Dream Paintings are a form of therapy for me![]() Ever sense I was very young I remember having strange, mostly scary, vivid dreams. Something else that I don't talk about with many people is that sometimes I see spirits, and experience other types of situations of the paranormal type. A way I found to deal with these situations and dreams, and in a way, relieve myself of the distress they were causing, is by painting them. I first began turning my dreams and nightmares into paintings about 8 years ago, when I started college.
My new found vision of Becca The Dream Artist doesn't stop there though.. merely being able to (finally) label my artistic style & specialty... What I want to do is offer it to other people as well. It's a pretty cool thing to see a vision or dream that you have had physically depicted and displayed so that you can see it with your eyes and not just as a memory inside your head. I want to create other peoples' dreams for them. It's a new project, and is still a baby.. Although I am currently working on a commission for a close friend. Her's is more a vision than a dream.. But it is something that means alot to her emotionally, and spiritually, and represents a part of her that is intimately and uniquely her very own. That's what I am enjoying about this though. She can describe to me what she wants, and I can create it, look at it, say yea that looks good, and another person can say hey that's cool, but when she looks at it, she will experience feelings that the painting cannot provide to anyone else. It will represent so much to her on a personal level. THAT'S what I want to paint. I want to provide others with the experience of connecting with a piece of art that is representational of themselves, and themselves alone. ( which is how I feel when I create my own dream paintings..)
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April 2020